Fantasy Football Analytics Application

I am currently working with a team to build a web application designed for Fantasy Football players. The app will allow a user to explore data on all NFL players, compare players, and input their current Fantasy Football team.

As a contributor, I have done work on both the frontend and the backend. On the frontend, I used ReactJS to design a home page as well as a navigation menu that appears on each page. I also designed the compare players page, where users are able to search for an NFL player’s name, and data about the player appears alongside an image of the player. When two names have been searched, a table comparing their stats also appears.

On the backend, I designed the API that we are using to query our search results. We are pulling our data from an R package called nflverse. I wrote an API using Python Django that parses the search query in R and returns comprehensive player data in JSON format. The API is connected to the ReactJS frontend.

Currently, this project is still in its prototype phase. The full implementation is currently in progress and is expected to be done by April 2022. Check out the repository. The current iteration of the app is in prototype/.